Although today was VERY lively with 11 of the grandkids here, tonight they have all gone home. Beloved husband is at work, and son is at a pool party. So, it's just ME. I carefully (and selfishly) saved bits of cooked fresh veggies this week and indulged myself in an enormous fritta for my solo supper. Green beans, yellow squash,zucchini,onion, reheated, cooked with THREE eggs (the DECADENCE!), baked it and then topped with fresh sliced heirloom tomatoes a sprinkling of sea salt! Bliss! I feel positively rich!
I continue to be on a hat kick, knitting wise. Just sent off 3 as a donation to a hospital in New Guinea, have three done so far for Soldiers Angels and another week till I need to send them. What else can I get done for them? Maybe some gaiters?
Also still at work on the Biblical Bits for Knit Wits afghan. We start teaching the class in September and need to have a couple done to show the class.
Also swatching for the Classic Oak Cardigan for DH. And secretly working on the Kiki rug for him for Christmas.
Never not knitting!