Friday, December 28, 2007

The Christmas that never ends....

Did I mention that 2007 Christmas is just going on and on? We have a private Christmas with each of the grown kids, usually prior to Christmas and then the mass chaos of the 25th, plus daughter #3 who always has us over on the 6th of Jan in defference to my dad's family tradition of gift giving on Epiphany.

This year, total bedlam instead. Only 3 had Christmas with us before, and so now we are stacked up. Instead of the relaxation after Christmas, I feel like I'm trying to psych myself up over and over again. Last night was daughter #2, and it was great. But now, today is son #2's family (he's in the Middle East) and possibly son #3. (His schedule is nuts). This weekend is son# 4. Then, daughter #3 next week, then Christmas again when aforementioned son #2 comes home in Feb.

What I really want is to snuggle in with a good snowstorm and some killer hot cocoa(with whipped cream!) and knit to my heart's content.

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